When I first started my blog it was just a way to document the overwhelming pictures that had began to clog up my iphoto. After numerous amounts of right click + save you begin to forget just how many pictures you love and want to continuously admire. This blog was a way for me to express and share my inspiration, ideas and loves. And to be completely honest it was a great, if not the best, procrastination tool. Blogging > uni work- hell yes!
As I begin my next journey throughout Europe for the next three and a half months I'm going to turn my inspiration blog a bit more personal. I'm going to share a glimpse into my life on the road, roaming from country to country chasing the desires of my heart. I will share with you all my loves and hates, my favourite places, people, food and things, and of course, any hidden treasures I come across. Like the saying goes, what's mine is yours. But before I jet off is there any euro readers or former euro travellers out there that have any special places that I must visit: things to do, see, experience, eat, drink, sleep etc?
Can't wait for this next adventure of my life.
Two weeks today & the anxiety of the unknown is growing.
Can't wait to share it all!
♥ ♥